Monday 30 January 2012

The Need For Sustainable Use Of Oil

Most of the gulf countries have a booming economy. The cause of their prosperity is simple. They have huge oil reserves and oil demands of the world and especially of America are booming daily and the profit in this field is enormous. Hence, these countries can make a lot of cash thanks to the huge natural deposits of oil reserves.
However, the world fraternity needs to understand that oil is a natural reserve and if we continue to use it indiscriminately, we are outing the whole of humanity survival in grave danger. The reason is that if we continue oil consumption at such a massive rate, the reserves may be soon extinguished. Natural production of oil takes a lot of years and if these sources are depleted, it might be a long time before the world gets to use vital oil again. Naturally, it is not the best of situation you would want to be in. so, the need of the hour is to opt for optimum usage of natural oil reserves. There are lots of alternative sources of energy available too. These alternative sources can be renewed and generated. So, if you use these energy sources, not only will the oil reserves be saved but you can also have lots of other energy sources to reap as well.
Hence, it might be a good idea to try and harness all the alternative sources of energy available which can help you meet the energy requirements of your country and also make the effort for sustainable use possible. But, the main point is all the different countries must simultaneously agree to do the same since if some countries opt for alternative sources while others continue indiscriminate use of oil reserves, the balance cannot be restored and there shall be no sustainable consumption. So, the world needs to come together to help this problem.

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